Page 114 - HK-Connect-2020-21-EN-Nov2020-edition (4)
P. 114


        Facts and Figures 2020
               Population                Weather
               Total: 7.48 million       Coldest month: December
               Median age: 45            (mean temperature:18.1 ºC)
               Gender ratio: 840 males    Hottest month: July
               per 1,000 females         (mean temperature 30.2 ºC)
               Life expectancy: Men 82.7 years #    Annual total rainfall: 2,395.0mm
               Women 88.1 years #
               Note: #Provisional figures
                                         Time zone
               Official languages        GMT  +  8 hours
               Chinese, English

               Economy                   Important dates
               Gross Domestic Product    National Day: October 1
               (at current market prices):    Hong Kong SAR
               US$346.6 billion          Establishment Day: July 1
               GDP per capita
               (at current market price):
               US$46,325                 Religions
               Exchange rate: US$1 =
               HK$7.757 (average in 2020)  Religions in Hong Kong are
                                         characterised by its diversity,
                                         including Buddhism, Taoism,
                                         Catholicism, Christianity, Islam,
               Land area                 Confucianism, Hinduism,
               Total: 1,110 km²          Sikhism and Judaism, etc.
               Total urban or built-up area:    Electricity supply
               about 25%
               Country parks and         AC 220V
               special areas: about 40%  Plug type: British three-pin
               Roads and vehicles        Useful telephone numbers
               2,150 km of public roads*  Emergency: 999
               802,698 licensed vehicles  Directory enquiries (Chinese): 1083
               Note:   * Figure is the length of   Directory enquiries (English): 1081
                   public roads maintained by
                   Highways Department.
       Related Organisations:
       Invest Hong Kong   Hong Kong Tourism Board   Hong Kong Trade Development Council
       Tel: (852) 3107 1000   Tel: (852) 2508 1234   Tel: (852) 1830 668
       E-mail:  E-mail:   E-mail:
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