Page 57 - HK-Connect-2020-21-EN-Nov2020-edition (4)
P. 57
Hong Kong has 129 declared monuments (end at July 2021).
City wall art
Hong Kong is a creative The Office of the Commissioner for Heritage and the Antiquities
city and art is seen not only and Monuments Office work to protect and conserve
in galleries but also on the archaeological sites and built heritage, and assist in the adaptive
streets where local and reuse of historic buildings in Hong Kong. Many heritage trails
overseas artists show their offer a glimpse into Hong Kong's unique past. Hong Kong has
talent. Paintings on walls, received 18 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage
outdoor stairways and
building facades brighten up Conservation.
city corners.
Monuments in Central
There are a number of interesting monuments in Central District, such as:
v The Exterior of the Old Supreme Court (built in 1912) –
now Court of Final Appeal Building.
v St John's Cathedral (built in 1847-1849).
v Flagstaff House (built in 1844-1846) – now Flagstaff House Museum
of Tea Ware.
v The Cenotaph in Statue Square (built in 1923) – a memorial for
those who served and died in the two World Wars.
Blue House
The Blue House Cluster (built in 1920s -1950s)
has been revitalised into the Viva Blue House
World's tallest city which shows the typical configuration of tenement #DIVERSE
Limited space for urban houses in Hong Kong in the early 20 century,
development coupled with with shops on the ground floor and residential flats
architectural and engineering on upper floors. The Blue House
ingenuity have given rise to has retained its classic timber
more skyscrapers in floor slabs, timber staircases,
Hong Kong than any other city. timber doors and window
New York and Shenzhen frames and floor tiles. This
ranked 2 and 3 , according Hong Kong New York Shenzhen revitalisation project won
to Emporis in 2020, a global the top Award of Excellence in the UNESCO Asia-Pacific
provider of building information. 1,911 842 684 Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation (2017).
skyscrapers skyscrapers skyscrapers
(Note: Figures as at June 2021)
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