Page 80 - HK-Connect-2020-21-EN-Nov2020-edition (4)
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Hong Kong's telecommunications infrastructure is one
of the world's most advanced, with a wide range of
innovative services available at low cost. Broadband and
mobile networks cover almost 100% of the city, providing
companies and individuals reliable, accessible and secure
Wi-Fi hotspots
v Over 72 000 public Wi-Fi hotspots across the city.
v A “Wi-Fi Connected City” programme continues to expand coverage of
the common brand “Wi-Fi.HK” through public and private collaboration.
v Free Wi-Fi services to citizens and visitors.
v A mobile app available to show all “Wi-Fi.HK” hotspot locations.
v Easy to get connected.
IT infrastructure Data centres
v A world leader in the areas of IT Hong Kong offers an excellent location Internet
infrastructure, digital economy, for development of data centres in the Household broadband
internet security and free Asia-Pacific region.
information flow, etc. v Robust telecommunications penetration rate 95.2%
v An early adopter of Internet infrastructure v Broadband networks cover
of Things (IoT) technologies in v Tech-savvy professionals nearly all commercial and
city management, transport residential buildings.
and logistics, trade and v Reliable power supply
e-commerce. v Pro-business environment
v Protection of information privacy 3 rd fastest internet
v Proximity to Mainland China speeds in the world with #CONNECTED
v Free flow of information average connection speed of
over 200 Mbps.
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