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An international city with a diverse, well-educated population, Hong Kong welcomes high-quality professionals and talents from around the world. Various initiatives for talent acquisition, including the Top Talent Pass Scheme and Quality Migrant Admission Scheme, support talented individuals and entrepreneurs from overseas and the Mainland to work in Hong Kong, enabling them to leverage their talent and contribute to the city’s development in a wide variety of sectors.

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Employment Visas

To meet local human resources needs, Hong Kong offers several immigration schemes that aim to attract and retain a diverse international workforce. 

  • The Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS) seeks to attract top talent with high income, good academic qualifications and extensive work experience to pursue development in Hong Kong.
  • The General Employment Policy (GEP) enables local employers to recruit overseas talent with professional skills not readily available in Hong Kong. Entrepreneurs who plan to start or join a business in Hong Kong can also apply for entry under the GEP.
  • To attract and facilitate the recruitment of I&T expertise, initiatives include the Technology Talent Admission Scheme (TechTAS) which enables eligible technology companies and research institutions to recruit R&D talent from the Mainland and overseas. 

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Top Talent Pass Scheme (TTPS)

General Employment Policy (GEP)

Quality Migrant Admission Scheme (QMAS)

Immigration Arrangements for Non-local Graduates (IANG)

Technology Talent Admission Scheme (TechTAS)

Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals

Admission Scheme for the Second Generation of Chinese Hong Kong Permanent Residents

Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme

Interactive Employment Service

Last revision date: 16/07/2024

Talent List

A Talent List for Hong Kong identifies specific priority sectors and professions for attracting experienced and accomplished talents who can help to propel the development of relevant sectors while, at the same time, advancing their own careers in a dynamic and fast-moving business environment. 

The Talent List comprises 51 professions under 9 industry segments, namely business support; creative industries, arts and culture, performing arts; development and construction; environmental technology services; financial services; healthcare services; innovation and technology; legal and dispute resolution services; and maritime services.

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Talent List of Hong Kong

Immigration services

Aspire to Achieve More @HK

Last revision date: 16/07/2024

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