Page 44 - HK-Connect-2020-21-EN-Nov2020-edition (4)
P. 44
Global legal hub International dispute resolution centre
v Hong Kong is an internationally v Many reputable international v New dispute resolution cases handled by HKIAC, including both
respected dispute resolution and regional organisations arbitration and mediation, reached 483 in 2020; the total disputed amount
centre. specialising in legal and dispute in all the administered cases was about US$6.6 billion in 2020.
resolution services based in
v Effective protection of Hong Kong, including: v Mediation mechanism under the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic
property rights, including Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) to resolve investment disputes. Hong
intellectual property rights. - Hong Kong International Kong has 2 CEPA designated mediation institutions and 43 CEPA
Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)
v Arbitral awards made in - China International Economic designated mediators.
Hong Kong enforceable in and Trade Arbitration
more than 160 Contracting Commission Hong Kong
States to the New York Arbitration Center
Convention, and in Mainland
China and Macao under - Secretariat of the International
reciprocal enforcement Court of Arbitration of the
arrangements. International Chamber of Deep pool of legal talent
v Ideal venue for dispute Commerce Asia Office Hong Kong's strong legal infrastructure is supported by a deep pool of
local and international legal talent with expertise in a wide variety of legal
resolution through arbitration - Regional Office for Asia and the sectors and jurisdictions around the world. There are:
and mediation. Pacific of the Hague Conference
on Private International Law #SECURE
- Centre for Effective Dispute
Resolution Asia Pacific
- eBRAM International Online
Dispute Resolution Centre
Over 10,900
Over 1,500
registered foreign
lawyers from
34 jurisdictions
Hong Kong ranks the 3 rd most preferred seat for arbitration Over 1,500 More than 90 registered
globally according to the 2021 International Arbitration Survey by practising barristers foreign law firms
Queen Mary University of London.
(Note: Figures as at end of June 2021)
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